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Alex Design Lab.

Qiuyu Li (Alex Li)

Alex Li (Qiuyu Li), arrived in Japan in 2013. After obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Information Science, he pursued his research in design under the guidance of Prof. Yoshimaru Takahashi, In 2024, obtained a Doctorate in Fine Arts. That same year, joined TOMBO Inc., a design firm based in Osaka. With a strong interest in the design principles of 20th-century constructivism, Alex aims to revitalize traditional constructivism by incorporating East Asian aesthetics and exploring new possibilities. His experimental results have garnered numerous awards both domestically and internationally. A member of prestigious organizations such as the World Design Consortium (WDC), International Association of Designers (IAD), International Design Club (IDC), and Alliance of International Business Associations (AIBA), Alex actively engages in these communities, contributing to their missions and initiatives.

李秋禹(英語名: Alex Li)は、2013年に来日しました。情報学学士号を取得した後、大学院で高橋善丸(教授)の指導のもと、デザインの研究を行い、2024年、芸術学博士号を取得し、同年、大阪のデザイン事務所TOMBOに入社しました。彼は20世紀の構成主義のデザインに深い興味を抱き、東アジアの美意識を活かしながら、従来の構成主義を刷新し、新たな可能性を追求することを目指しています。その実験的なアプローチは、国内外で多くの受賞歴を誇ります。また、彼はWDC(ワールドデザインコンソーシアム)、IAD(国際デザイナー協会)、IDC(国際デザインクラブ)、AIBA(国際ビジネス協会連盟)の各組織の会員であり、これらの組織での活動や役職にも積極的に参加しています。

Award &

2024, (Italy) A` Design Award & Competition 2024, Bronze Winner
2024, (U.S.) New York Type Directors Club (TDC) Awards 70, TDC Winner
2024, (U.S) Muse Creative Awards 2024, Silver Winner
2024, (U.K) London International Creative Competition(LICC) 2023, Finalist
2024, (Moscow) International Exhibition and Competition FORM=MEAN, Awarded
2024, (China) Xi`AN TDC Award 2023, Nomination Award
2024, (U.S) IDA Design Awards 2023(International Design Awards), Honorable Mention
2023, (Japan) Japan Typography Annual 2024, Selected×5

2023, (International) C-IDEA Design Award 2023, Design Award
2023, (U.S) Poster Stellars 3rd Intercontinental Poster Competition United States 2023, Silver Winner
2023, (U.S) Poster Stellars 3rd Intercontinental Poster Competition United States 2023, Selected x7
2023, (France) DNA Paris Design Awards 2023 (Graphic Design/Typography), Winner
2023, (France) DNA Paris Design Awards 2023 (Graphic Design/Key art), Winner
2023, (Italy) A` Design Award & Competition 2023 (Concealed Categories), Iron Winner
2023, (Germany) Red Dot Award Design Concept 2023, Shortlist to final round
2023, (U.S) Young Ones ADC (Art Directors Club) 2023, Shortlist to final round
2023, (U.K) London International Creative Competition(LICC) 2022, Winner Best in ILLUSTRATE(Graphic)
2023, (U.K) London International Creative Competition(LICC) 2022, Shortlist
2023, (U.S) Creative Communication Award (C2A)2022, Best of Best
2023, (U.S) IDA Design Awards 2022(International Design Awards), Gold Winner
2023, (U.S) IDA Design Awards 2022(International Design Awards), Bronze Winner
2022, (Japan) Japan Typography Annual 2023, Selected×2
2022, (Italy) A` Design Award & Competition 2022, Bronze Winner
2022, (Netherland) Indigo Design Award 2022, Gold Winner
2022, (U.S) Communication Arts Typography Competition 2022, Shortlist to final round
2021, (Japan) Unknown Asia 2021, Reviewer Prize
2021, (Japan) Japan Typography Annual 2022, Selected​×3
2021, (International) C-IDEA Design Award 2020, Selected​
2020, (Japan) Japan Typography Annual 2021, Selected
2020, (Japan) Unknown Asia 2020 ONLINE, Reviewer Prize
2019, (Japan) Japan Typography Annual 2020, Selected

2023, (イタリア) A` Design Award & Competition 2024, ブロンズ
2024, (アメリカ)ニューヨークTDC (
Type Directors Club) 70, TDC Winner
2024, (アメリカ)Muse Creative Awards 2024, シルバー
2024, (イギリス) London International Creative Competition(LICC) 2023, ファイナリスト
2024, (イギリス) London International Creative Competition(LICC) 2023, ファイナリスト

2024, (モスクワ) International Exhibition and Competition FORM=MEAN, 受賞
2024, (中国)西安TDCアワード2023, ノミネーション・アワード
2024, (アメリカ) IDA Design Award 2023(International Design Awards), 佳作
2023, (日本) 日本タイポグラフィ年鑑 2024, 入選×5

2023, (国際) C-IDEA design award 2023, デザイン賞
2023, (アメリカ) Poster Stellars 3rd Intercontinental Poster Competition United States 2023, シルバー
2023, (アメリカ) Poster Stellars 3rd Intercontinental Poster Competition United States 2023, 入選x7
2023, (フランス) DNA Paris Design Awards 2023 (Graphic Design/Typography), 勝者
2023, (フランス) DNA Paris Design Awards 2023 (Graphic Design/Key art),勝者
2023, (イタリア) A` Design Award & Competition 2023(非公開カテゴリー), アイアン
2023, (ドイツ) Red Dot Award Design Concept 2023, ショートリスト
2023, (アメリカ) Young Ones ADC (Art Directors Club) 2023,ショートリスト
2023, (イギリス) London International Creative Competition(LICC) 2022, 勝者・部門ベスト
2023, (イギリス) London International Creative Competition(LICC) 2022, ショートリスト
2023, (アメリカ) Creative Communication Award(C2A) 2022, ベスト勝者
2023, (アメリカ) IDA Design Award 2022(International Design Awards), ゴールド
2023, (アメリカ) IDA Design Award 2022(International Design Awards), ブロンズ
2022, (日本) 日本タイポグラフィ年鑑 2023, 入選×2
2022, (イタリア) A` Design Award & Competition 2022, ブロンズ
2022, (オランダ) Indigo Design Award 2022, ゴールド
2022, (アメリカ) Communication Arts Typography Competition 2022, ショートリスト
2021, (日本) Unknown Asia 2021, レビュアー賞
2021, (日本) 日本タイポグラフィ年鑑 2022, 入選×3
2021, (国際) C-IDEA design award 2020, 入選​
2020, (日本) 日本タイポグラフィ年鑑 2021, 入選
2020, (日本) Unknown Asia 2020 ONLINE, レビュアー賞
2019, (日本) 日本タイポグラフィ年鑑 2020, 入選


2024, [Fight for Kindness], Typecampus ,OFFF Vienna, Vienna, Austria

2024, [70th Annual Type Directors Club Exhibition], Type Directors Club ,The One Club for Creativity, New York, U.S

2024, [ TYPE WEST #06 Spell Words], NPO Japan Typography Association, Heiwa Paper, Osaka, Japan

2023, [ P0STER STELLARS EXHIBITI0N MEXIC0 2023], Poster Stellars, Antigua estación de ferrocarril de Querétaro, 2nd Floor, Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico

2023, [New Life Interior "Kakejiku" 2023], General Designers Association, Gallery GORO, Osaka, Japan

2023, [ TYPE WEST #05 UkiUki], NPO Japan Typography Association, Heiwa Paper, Osaka, Japan

2023, [Design Milan at Crystal Hall](A' Design Award Exhibition), Bangalore, India

2022, [Shenzhen International Industrial Design Week](A' Design Award booth), Shenzhen, China

2022, [HIDW 2022](A' Design Award booth), Hebei, China

2022, [FOAID 2022](A' Design Award booth), Mumbai, India

2022, [Unknown Asia 2022], Osaka, Japan

2022, [The 32nd Japan Korea International Exchange Art Exhibition], Seoul, Korea

2022, [A' Design Award Exhibition at MOOD], Como, Italy

2021, [Unknown Asia 2021], Osaka, Japan

2021, [The New Vision of Typography] solo exhibition, PLANT/Art lab Omm, Osaka, Japan

2021, [Independent Tokyo 2021], Tokyo, Japan

2021, [C-IDEA Design award exhibition], Seoul, Korea

2021, [The Physical Graphics] solo exhibition, PLANT/Art lab Omm, Osaka, Japan

2020, [Unknown Asia 2020 ONLINE], Osaka, Japan

2019, [The 28th International Art Exhibition of Japan and China], Osaka University of Arts

2016, [See, Be seen] group exhibition, Osaka, Japan

2024, [Fight for Kindness], Typecampus主催, OFFF Viennaギャラリー, ウィーン, オーストリア

2024, [70th NY TDC作品展], Type Directors Club主催, The One Club for Creativity, ニューヨーク, アメリカ

2024, [ TYPE WEST #06 綴る言葉], 日本タイポグラフィ協会主催, 平和紙業, 大阪, 日本

2023, [ P0STER STELLARS EXHIBITI0N MEXIC0 2023], Poster Stellars, セントロ ケレタロ旧駅ホール2階, サンティアゴ・デ・ケレタロ, メキシコ

2023, [ニュースタイル掛け軸展], 総合デザイナー協会主催, Gallery GORO, 大阪, 日本

2023, [ TYPE WEST #05 ウキウキ], 日本タイポグラフィ協会主催, 平和紙業, 大阪, 日本

2023, [Design Milan at Crystal Hall](A' Design Award 展示),バンガロール, インド

2022, [深圳国際インダストリアルデザインウィーク](A' Design Award 展示ブース), 深圳, ​中国

2022, [HIDW 2022](A' Design Award 展示ブース), 河北, 中国

2022, [FOAID 2022](A' Design Award 展示ブース), ムンバイ, インド

2022, [Unknown Asia 2022], 大阪, 日本

2022, [第32回日韓交流作品展], 大阪芸術大学主催, ソウル, 韓国

2022, [A' Design Award Exhibition at MOOD], イタリア, コモ

2021, [Unknown Asia 2021], 日本, 大阪

2021, [The New Vision of Typography] 個展, PLANT/Art lab Omm, 日本, 大阪

2021, [Independent Tokyo 2021], 日本, 東京

2021, [C-IDEA Design award exhibition], 韓国, ソウル

2021, [The Physical Graphics] 個展, PLANT/Art lab Omm, 日本, 大阪

2020, [Unknown Asia 2020 ONLINE], 日本, 大阪

2019, [第28回日中交流作品展], 大阪芸術大学

2016, [見る見られる] グループ展, 日本, 大阪

Interview &

2024, [Muse. World],

2023, [LICC Winner Interviews],

2022, [Best Design Japan],

2022, [SHIFT],

2022, [eplus SPICE],

2022, [Designer Interview],
2022. [Magnificent Designers],

2022, [Design Legends],

2022, [JUXTAPOZ Magazine], Cover image,


2024, [Muse. ワールド],

2023, [LICC 受賞者インタビュー],

2022, [ベストデザインジャパン],

2022, [SHIFT],

2022, [イープラス・スパイス],

2022, [デザイナーインタビュー],

2022. [壮大なデザイナー], 

2022, [デザインレジェンド],

2022, [JUXTAPOZ・マガジン]カバー画像,

Books &

2024, [Applied Typography 34], NPO Japan Typography Association.

2023, [2022 C2A Book of Creative Communication](Online Digital book), Farmani Group Inc.

2023, [IDA Design Awards 2022 Annual Book], Farmani Group Inc.

2023, [Applied Typography 33], NPO Japan Typography Association.

2022, [Award Winning Communication Design Yearbook],  A` Design Award & Competition.

2022, [Indigo Book of Design 2022](Online Digital book), Indigo Design Award. 

2022, [Applied Typography 32], NPO Japan Typography Association.
2021, [Applied Typography 31], NPO Japan Typography Association.

2021. [C-IDEA Design Award Yearbook 2019/2020], INTERNATIONAL DESIGN EDUCATOR GROUP (C-IDEA).
2021, [Japan Creators 2021], Colors Inc.

2020, [Applied Typography 30], NPO Japan Typography Association.


2023,【2022 C2A Book of Creative Communication(Online Digital book), Farmani Group Inc.

2023,【IDA Design Awards 2022 Annual BookFarmani Group Inc.


2022,【Award Winning Communication Design Yearbook】A` Design Award & Competition

2022,【Indigo Book of Design】(Online Digital book), Indigo Design Award

2021,【日本タイポグラフィ年鑑 31】NPO法人日本タイポグラフィ協会

2021. 【C-IDEA Design Award Yearbook 2019/2020】国際デザイン教育者グループ (C-IDEA)
2021,【Japan Creators 2021】 Colors Inc.

2020, 【日本タイポグラフィ年鑑 30】NPO法人日本タイポグラフィ協会

© 2024 Alex Design Lab (Alex Li),

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