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Alex Design Lab.

New York Type Directors Club(TDC) Awards 70, TDC Winner in 2024

I'm delighted to share that I've won the New York Type Directors Club (NY TDC) 70 award. It's a great honor to receive this prestigious accolade.

The NY TDC is globally renowned as one of the most prestigious design competitions in the industry. Being recognized and praised among such esteemed company is a testament to my creativity and hard work.

This award not only acknowledges my talent and passion but also strengthens my gratitude towards the support of my family and friends. Moving forward, I'll continue to embrace new challenges and strive to produce even better work. This award marks a new stage in my journey, inspiring me to pursue further growth and development.

Lastly, I extend my heartfelt thanks to the judges, staff of NY TDC 70, and everyone who made this award possible.

喜びを共有します!私はNew York Type Directors Club (NY TDC) 70で受賞しました。この栄誉ある賞を受賞でき、非常に光栄です。

 NY TDCは、世界的に有名なデザインコンペティションであり、デザイン業界の中で最も権威のある賞の一つです。私の作品がその中で選ばれ、称賛されたことは、私の創造性と努力が認められた証です。


 最後に、NY TDC 70の審査員やスタッフ、そしてこの受賞を可能にしてくれた全ての方々に心より感謝申し上げます。



© 2024 Alex Design Lab (Alex Li),

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