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Alex Design Lab.

Red Dot Award 2023, Shortlist

We are pleased to announce that we have been selected for the final round of the Red dot Award Concept, an international design award. Although not the final winner, the "Red dot Award" is one of the three most prestigious design awards in the world, along with the "iF design award" and the "IDEA (International Design Excellence Award)", being shortlisted in the first attempt, To advance to the final round is a big step forward. This challenge was a good experience for us, and we will continue our efforts to tie better results.

国際デザインアワードRed dot Award Concept決勝ラウンドに選ばれました。最終的な勝者ではないが、「Red dot Award」は、「iF design award」、「IDEA(International Design Excellence Award)」と並び、世界三大デザイン賞のひとつに数えられる権威ある賞を初挑戦でショートリストに選ばれ、決勝ラウンドまで進むことは大きな一歩を踏み出したと思い、今回の挑戦は良い経験をもらい、より良い成果を結ぶため、今後も努力を続いていきます。



© 2024 Alex Design Lab (Alex Li),

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