The MUSE Creative and Design Awards have unveiled their winners for the first competitive season of 2024. Hosted by the International Awards Associate (IAA), these competitions received over 8,500 entries from across the globe, affirming their position as prestigious programs honoring creative and design professionals. In the first competitive season of 2024, Qiuyu Li earns the Typography Silver award in the competition. The work that led to this victory was created by Qiuyu Li, earning him this prestigious accolade.
The MUSE Awards encompass a range of competitions designed to recognize excellence across diverse fields. The International Awards Associate (IAA) ensures these competitions are accessible and fair, guaranteeing that recognition is earned by those who truly deserve it.
"Creativity knows no bounds; it's the cornerstone of every great design. At IAA, we're committed to honoring and promoting the brilliance and originality that propel the creative process forward," explained Thomas Brandt, spokesperson of IAA. He continued, "with every stroke of genius, we're reminded of the boundless potential of human imagination."
Comprised of industry professionals, the jury panel at IAA upheld impartiality and applied industry-relevant assessment criteria with precision. The jury's role was to recognize companies or individuals whose works showcased excellence and drove their industries forward – a goal they admirably achieved.
2024年のMUSEクリエイティブ・デザインアワードの受賞者が発表されました。国際アワード協会(IAA)が主催するこれらのコンペティションは、世界中から8,500以上のエントリーを受け取り、クリエイティブおよびデザインのプロフェッショナルを称える名誉あるプログラムとしての地位を確認しました。2024年の第1シーズンでは、Qiuyu Liが競技でタイポグラフィ部門のシルバー賞を受賞しました。この勝利につながった仕事はQiuyu Liが作成したもので、彼にこの名誉ある栄誉をもたらしました。
